Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Digital Fluency Intensive - Week 1 - Reflection

It was wonderful to get an in-depth understanding of the background behind the Manaiakalani project.  It has been a long process that really has revamped the way we teach or lead learning, and of course the way the children learn.

I feel that this has confirmed I have a good understanding around the 'Learn, Create, Share' model.  I believe I still have a lot to learn but what I have implemented so far in the classroom is a lot further ahead than some others.

I was able to put my new found knowledge about google groups into action already by creating a Room 5 google group.  I have a number of ideas already around how I can incorporate this into our classroom program.

One big thing I need to start changing is I have allowed the children to choose what they name their work but I should be controlling this more.  I will now introduce to the children AKBSummer LJ format as per the example we did.

The scavenger hunt idea showed me a great way to incorporate digital skills across any curriculum area.  I am going to make this and use this during a funday Friday.

Link to Scavenger Hunt

Dorathy showed me how to use keynote which is a mac tool that I was not aware of.  This tool can allow me to move pixels so the image sits on the background much better.

I felt that this week was really worth while and I can't wait to gain more confidence with these new tools and use them on a regular basis.


  1. Well done Amanda on all you have learnt this week. It sounds like some of the tricks you are learning are going to make your life so much easier in the classroom. Dorothy is certainly a wealth of knowledge, so good on you for tapping into keynote with her. Your poster looks amazing and how exciting that we now know how to get rid of backgrounds in photos.

  2. Hi Amanda, I have followed your work from afar via your childrens' blogs, so it was great to be able to spend the day with you. You do have a wealth of expertise already, but I am pleased that you are making the most of this time out to focus on new learning for yourself and to implement new ideas with the children you teach.

